Once upon a time, in a distant land where the stars twinkled in the sky, there was a peaceful village. In the midst of a soft grassy field at the edge of this village, there was a cozy cottage. In this cottage lived a fairy who lulled sleepless babies to sleep. One day, the fairy was visited by a beautiful princess named Ela. Ela was…
Browsing Category Bedtime Stories
The Enchanted Dreams of Little Nazlı
Once upon a time, in a distant kingdom, there was a happy village. The people living in this village were always cheerful while working and playing throughout the day. The most charming place in the village was a small cottage nestled on the edge of the forest. Inside this cottage lived a fairy named Daisy. Daisy was the most beloved and respected figure by all…
Little Dewy: Embracing Uniqueness
Once upon a time, in a distant village, there lived a little duckling. Its name was Little Dewy. Little Dewy was different from the other ducklings. Its feathers were much paler, and its wings were slightly smaller than the others. One day, Little Dewy went for a walk to the river with its mother. The other ducklings started swimming in the cool waters of the…